Lunch Talks

Ana Traverso-Krejcarek

Manager, The High Line Network
October 19, 2018

Our vision is to help the industrial reuse field set a new standard of success: fostering equitable economic, social, and environmental benefits for [...] communities and cities.

Ana Traverso-Krejcarek is a Bolivian-American sociologist and urban planner with a passion for community development. She has a portfolio of projects for government and non-profit organizations in the US, Brazil, and Bolivia, with published work in urban studies and public policy. Her work gained notoriety in New York City after she created the Urban Lab for Open Spaces, a citizen science initiative to measure air pollution in the parks of North Brooklyn. Ana currently manages the High Line Network at Friends of the High Line. She works in the field of industrial reuse, with projects and organizations seeking to create a new generation of public spaces.

  • A close-up of a sandwich cut in half, placed on a blue and white checkered paper. The sandwich contains roast beef, arugula, and onions on sesame seed bread. In the background, there are two pumpkins and a blurred person in a red plaid shirt.
  • A person with shoulder-length hair holds a can of citrus jam beer covered in a green, yellow, and white design. The person wears a light gray and white sweater with a gray scarf. Their fingers have tattoos and glittery nail polish.
  • A person with light brown hair holds a bottle of Harmless Harvest Coconut Water. The person is wearing a grey scarf and a light-colored top. The focus is on the bottle, which has a green label with a coconut illustration and the brand name.
  • A group of people are seated at a wooden table with pumpkins, food, and drinks, engaging in various activities. Some are using their phones, while others are conversing or eating. The area has a casual, communal atmosphere with plates of food and beverages.
  • A woman stands in front of a seated audience, presenting a slideshow titled "High Line Local Network". The setting appears to be a creative studio with posters on the wall and bright natural light coming through the windows.
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