Observations from our adventures in nonprofit branding.
- We Need Courageous Institutions Now More Than EverThe next four years will test us like never before.
- 2024 Year In Review
Headlines from Hyperakt’s 23rd year of life
- AI Won’t (Completely) Replace Us
Branding and design in the age of Artificial Intelligence.
- How Much Confidence Does Your Team Have In Your Brand?
Make sure your brand hasn't lost its way.
- Today We Mourn, Tomorrow We Go Again
The moment to rebuild starts now.
- The Age of Transparency in Philanthropy
For foundations, being more open and visible doesn’t have to mean sacrificing humility.
- Branding 101, Through the Eyes of a 7 Year-Old
An impromptu interview with my daughter about the many important roles of branding.
- A Powerful Dose of Narrative Change
Strategic branding can shift perspectives.
- A New Campaign Brand That Stands Tall
The Harris/Walz brand comes together quickly, and so does the Democratic Party.
- The Ideal Project Brief
This is what you need to share with creative partners to set yourself up for a successful branding effort.
- How to Bring Together the Right People for Your Rebrand
Engaging the right stakeholders, at the right time, in the right way can make the difference between a rebrand that sticks the landing and a rebrand that flops.
- New Candidate, Newish Brand
The art of political branding on the fly.
- The Courage to Be Better
In the face of a changing nonprofit world, improving what you do well can be more effective than becoming what you are not.
- Building a Business Case for Investing in Nonprofit Branding
How to secure support from your executive team and board to fuel a rebrand.
- The Ultimate Guide to Nonprofit Branding Budgets
This is how much organizations of different sizes should plan to invest in branding.
- Branding Is Not a Bad Word
Your brand isn’t BS – it’s your reputation.
- Beyond the Brand Guide
Foster a culture of brand participation.
- Do You Have a Website Problem or a Branding Problem?
Let’s get to the root cause of what you’re trying to fix.
- The Curious Case of the Rebrand Launch Jitters
When a nonprofit undertakes a rebrand, it’s natural to have last-minute hesitations. Take a deep breath: You’ve got this!
- A Solid Rollout Plan for Your New Brand
Before you go public with a new identity, build enthusiasm within your team.