Lunch Talks

Steve Duenes

Graphics Director, The New York Times
January 12, 2012

Black and white photo of a man speaking into a microphone. He is wearing glasses, a suit, and a white shirt. The background is blurred, with what appears to be window panes allowing light to filter through. The image conveys a professional or formal setting.

Steve Duenes is the Graphics Director at The New York Times where he manages a team of 30 journalists, designers and cartographers. The Graphics department creates print and interactive maps, diagrams and other visualizations. Steve has been at the Times since 1999.

  • Two women are smiling at the camera with their arms around each other in a room with exposed brick walls. Other people are seen in the background, engaging in conversation. The ceiling has string lights hanging down, and there's a large window letting in natural light.
  • A person stands near a projected infographic on a wall. The infographic shows various U.S. politicians traveling in buses with text detailing their campaign activities in Iowa and New Hampshire. The room is dimly lit, and part of a lampshade is visible.
  • A presentation slide displays a headline reading "After the Vote" and a subtitle "Districts Across the Country Shift to the Right". The slide shows a U.S. map with red and blue lines indicating political shifts. A man is seated on the right side of the image.
  • A projected image of a historical New York Times front page featuring Charles Lindbergh's transatlantic flight. The headline reads "Lindbergh Does It! To Paris in 33½ Hours". A man is partially visible on the right side of the picture.
  • A group of four people are socializing in an indoor space with brick walls. One person is drinking from a glass, while the others are engaged in conversation. Shelves with various items and art hang on the wall behind them, and string lights add a cozy ambiance.
  • A group of adults congregate in a warmly lit room adorned with string lights and brick walls. People are hugging and engaging in conversations, creating a friendly, social atmosphere. Shelves with books and decorations are visible in the background.
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