Lunch Talks

Todd St. John

Founder, HunterGatherer
January 28, 2011

Black and white photo of a person with medium-length dark hair, wearing glasses and a plaid shirt, looking slightly to their left. They are in front of a plain light-colored wall and have a neutral expression.

Todd St. John is a designer, animator and filmmaker living in New York City. His work consistently spans many different mediums, including drawing, sculpture, photography, printmaking and animation. He is best known for the projects and products created by his studio, HunterGatherer. Todd regularly has work published, broadcast and exhibited internationally, and was included in the Cooper-Hewitt National Design Triennial: Design Now. He teaches as a graduate critic at the Yale School of Art.

  • A person in a green plaid shirt sits on a stool and holds a sign with various mathematical symbols, including E=mc². They are talking to an audience, with three people visibly listening, two with their backs to the camera, one partially seen in front.
  • A person in a green plaid shirt is giving a presentation. They point towards a projection on the wall which displays a series of sketches showing the progression of design elements for a character or object. The audience faces the presenter.
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