Lunch Talks

Vann Alexandra Daly

Crowdsourceress and founder of Vann Alexandra
February 13, 2015

Sometimes the crowd is much more important than the funding

Vann Alexandra Daly is the founder of Vann Alexandra – a creative services agency that gets projects financed through crowdfunding with a 100% success rate–and the industry’s “Crowdsourceress”, a name she received in the press for her expertise in crowdfunding. Alex has served on panels at distinguished film festivals and universities and is a featured columnist for the Big Think.

In addition to her crowdfunding successes, Alex is a producer for the feature length documentary Cocaine Prison, which has received support from the MacArthur Foundation, Cannes’ Fonds Sud Cinema, Sundance Documentary Fund, Tribeca Latin America Fund, Bertha BritDoc Journalism Award, and more. Her other films have been selected by the world’s most prestigious festivals including Sundance and Tribeca. Before transitioning into film Alex was a journalist for numerous publications, including New York magazine and SPIN, as well as the sole researcher for WSJ magazine. Alex graduated from Vanderbilt University, where she double majored in Spanish and Philosophy, minored in film, and earned her honors thesis on Existentialism in Contemporary Drug Cinema.

  • A person is reaching for a sandwich from a long sub placed on a wooden table. Surrounding the table are other people with their arms visible. There are two beer bottles and an orange cup on the table.
  • A person stands in front of a seated audience, presenting a slideshow. The current slide shows two individuals examining colorful paper samples. The room has a brick wall, projector screen, and various office items.
  • A woman stands in front of a room full of people, giving a presentation. The slide on the screen behind her reads, "How did I get here?" The audience sits attentively, facing the speaker. Coats are hung on wall hooks to the right. The room has a modern, industrial look.
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