Nick Beattie
Front-End Developer
Nick is a front-end developer at Hyperakt. He has five years experience crafting accessible, user-friendly websites. He’s passionate about responsive web design and progressive enhancement. Prior to Hyperakt, Nick spent two years at Acquity Group consulting on e-commerce implementations for Fortune 500 companies. He has also worked for Oak Studios, using his front-end experience on productivity-focused web applications.
Nick is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame, where he studied Information Technology Management in the Mendoza College of Business. While at Notre Dame, he worked with Posterous, who was acquired by Twitter in 2012.
Nick spends his time outside Hyperakt creating Ruby applications, hacking on different content management systems, and riding his bike. In a prior life, Nick was a professional lacrosse player and captain of the Notre Dame squad. He resides in Brooklyn.