
ACLU Conference: You Belong Here

In the aftermath of Trump’s 2016 election, the ACLU, a cornerstone of civil rights defense in the US, felt nothing short of essential to the fabric of American democracy.

A group of people sit on a stage in a panel discussion at a conference. The large screen behind them displays "ACLU" and a sign reads "YOU BELONG HERE." The backdrop is blue with white diagonal lines and additional text about the event is visible.

The challenge

In the first six months of the Trump era, ACLU membership quadrupled to 1.6 million as $83 million in donations came pouring in. Following this massive growth, the ACLU convened its member base. The day of learning, community, and movement-building addressed the perilous state of civil rights under the new administration.

A person in a red blazer speaks passionately at a podium with the letters "ACLU" in blue on it. The background features diagonal red and blue stripes with partial text visible. The individual is raising one hand, appearing to emphasize a point.

In addition to gathering its diverse members from across the country to action, the conference needed to convey a powerful message. Our challenge was to capture the spirit of this socially-minded, inclusive gathering through naming, event branding, and experience design.

A set of six colorful ACLU posters on a white brick wall, each with a distinctive background design and the message "You Belong Here." The posters promote principles such as inclusivity, activism, civil liberties, and social justice.
A person is wearing a white t-shirt with geometric shapes in blue, red, and yellow. The letters "ACLU" are printed in blue on the lower left side of the shirt. The person is standing against a brick wall. Their face is not visible in the image.
A street wall is covered with colorful posters displaying the message "YOU BELONG HERE" in bold text. Each poster features fingerprints as a background design, with varying colors such as purple, orange, green, pink, and blue. The ACLU logo is visible on all posters.

A brand for belonging

The work started with the search for a name, one that could connote a strong identity and a strong value-set. We landed on “You Belong Here”: you belong in this conversation and you belong in this country. Regardless of what issue matters most to each of us, we all have values we share as believers in and defenders of civil rights.

To convey this intersectionality through the event branding, Hyperakt layered belief statements revolving around five urgent issues: racial justice, immigration, reproductive rights, voting rights, and LGBTQ+ rights.

A bus stop billboard displays an ACLU advertisement featuring a red and white geometric design with a photo of smiling people. The text reads, "I envision a world free from discrimination. You belong here." It promotes the membership conference on June 10-12, 2018, in Washington, D.C.
Two smartphone screens show content for the ACLU Membership Conference. The left screen has a colorful, abstract design with location and date details. The right screen displays an app with icons for various features such as My Profile, Schedule, Chat, and Map.
A grid of sixteen colorful icons on a white background with yellow borders. Icons include representations of a profile, session, chat, speakers/entertainment, floor plan, index, attendees, people power, legislative scorecard, app tips, search, news feed, conference, store, and voter.

A welcoming space for conversation

The physical environment embodied the idea of “belonging” by inviting people to step into and participate in intersectional conversations. The space was anchored by flagship pieces including an interactive issues map, a storytelling booth, a training workshop space, action center booths, and multiple presentation spaces for panels and keynote speeches.

A crowded convention hall filled with people attending various booths and sitting at tables. Many individuals are standing, conversing, and engaging with the exhibitors, while others are seated in small groups. The setting is lively and brightly lit with colorful displays.
Hyperakt did an amazing job of understanding the ACLU and our issues, which is no small task.
Jaweer Brown
Director Brand Strategy, ACLU
We asked that they interpret–not just reiterate–our tagline, We The People, and identify a way that could express what we mean.
Jaweer Brown
Director Brand Strategy, ACLU
A large auditorium is filled with people attending an ACLU event. On stage, a speaker dressed in red is addressing the audience. Large screens above display a close-up of the speaker. The backdrop features "ACLU" on the left and "YOU BELONG HERE" on the right.
The resulting look and feel of the Membership Conference was so well received that a person, who was formerly incarcerated, tweeted that 'language matters' and the theme of the conference 'you belong here' spoke to people of all stripes.
Jaweer Brown
Director Brand Strategy, ACLU
A person stands behind a podium with the ACLU logo, addressing an audience. The backdrop features the text "YOU BELONG HERE" in large, bold letters, accompanied by geometric patterns in yellow and blue. Silhouettes of audience members are visible in the foreground.
With Hyperakt's vision, the conference really hit the mark.
Jaweer Brown
Director Brand Strategy, ACLU

Our impact

The conference, held June 10-12, 2018 in Washington, D.C., was a resounding success. Over 2,300 participants from diverse backgrounds and locations came together to affirm the values we hold dear, celebrate the work we have already done, and prepare for the fights that lay ahead.

A panel of five women sits on a stage during a conference. The backdrop has a large image of a woman and reads "Membership Conference, June 10-12, 2018, Washington D.C." The audience is visible in the foreground.

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