Lunch Talks

Andrew Chepaitis

Founder, ELIA
May 18, 2018

Best practices for industrial design would say that you would want to build on a person's existing knowledge, you would want to know where one's symbol begins and one's symbol ends.

Andrew Chepaitis is the founder of ELIA (Education, Literacy, and Independence for All), the newest alphabet system for the blind and visually impaired, based on the Roman Alphabet. He leads the company’s operations, including product development, grant writing, product support, and stakeholder outreach efforts. The optimization of the ELIA Frames Alphabet was led by Andrew, who recruited and lead a research team, and attracted grant funding for the process. His work and study include efforts in industrial and organizational psychology and finance. He has served on the national alumni boards of Lehigh University and the Hopkins School (New Haven, CT). He was recently given Lehigh’s second highest alumni award. He has served the National Institutes of Health as a grant reviewer. Andrew holds an international business degree from Lehigh University, and an MBA from the University of New Haven. He is a former equity research analyst (Credit Lyonnais USA) and lacrosse coach (Hopkins School (1991) and Yale University (1992)). In his free time, he chases his three children (ages 5, 5, and 7) around.

  • A long sandwich cut into multiple sections is placed on a wooden board. It is labeled "VEGGIE" with a small orange sign and is filled with fresh vegetables. The sandwich is secured with colorful toothpicks, and there are chairs and a table in the background.
  • A group of people seated closely together, attentively listening. They are in a room with large curtains letting in light. Some individuals are eating or holding plates. The audience displays a mix of casual and focused expressions.
  • A man in a blue shirt stands at the front of a room, speaking to an audience. Behind him is a projected slide titled "ELIA - A Modern Tactile Font," showing a chart of tactile symbols. The room is dimly lit, with several audience members visible from the back.
  • A metal tub filled with ice, containing bottles of Harmless Harvest Coconut Water and cans of Spindrift Sparkling Water. The drinks are chilled and arranged chaotically within the ice.
  • Three people sit in conversation in a room with rows of empty black chairs. One person is gesturing with hands, suggesting they are speaking, while the other two listen attentively. The room has large windows and curtains.
  • A person stands and points to a projected presentation on a screen. An audience is seated and attentively watching. The room has light wooden floors, a desk with computers, some wall art, and curtains drawn to the right side.
  • A person in a grey t-shirt holding a can of "Sweet Action" drink stands next to a red bicycle indoors. The background shows a bar-like setting with stools, a counter, and an orange curtain.
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