Lunch Talks

Doris Rothauer

Founder, Bureau for Transfer
November 16, 2018

A learning journey happens through authentic experience changing your perspective, and fostering creativity.

Doris Rothauer is an art manager, author, consultant and coach, connecting the creative and social worlds. Born in Austria, she currently lives and works in Vienna and New York. Prior to her entrepreneurial and freelance career, she worked and held leading positions in renowned art institutions in Vienna. In 2007, she founded her own agency, Bureau for Transfer. She believes in the change making power of art, design and creativity and aims at designing and fostering cultural impact with her work. Her latest book “Vision & Strategy. Strategic Thinking for Social and Creative Entrepreneurs” was released in May 2018.

  • A group of people sit attentively in a room with large windows covered by curtains. A blonde woman stands in the foreground, facing the audience. Some attendees have food in their hands. There's an exit sign on the wall and a whiteboard with writing in the background.
  • A woman stands in front of a classroom, presenting a slideshow titled "DESIGN for the REAL WORLD" by Victor Papanek. Students are seated, listening attentively. The room is decorated with international flags hanging from the ceiling and various artworks on the walls.
  • A woman with long blonde hair, wearing glasses and holding a cup, stands talking to another woman with dark hair and a beanie hat. They are indoors with a presentation screen in the background displaying a "Thank You!" message and an email address.
  • Three people are gathered in a kitchen setting with a wooden countertop. Two women are in conversation, holding plates; a man is in the background near a staircase. On the counter are flowers and various food items, including sandwiches and snacks.
  • A metal tub filled with ice and various beer cans, primarily featuring green and yellow labels. Several cans are visible, resting in the tub, keeping cool. The setup is on a stone or concrete floor near a wooden surface.
  • A long sub sandwich topped with sesame seeds is displayed on a wooden table. The sandwich, garnished with fresh greens, is divided into sections using colorful toothpicks. Blue and white checkered paper is placed underneath for decoration.
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