Lunch Talks

Khoi Vinh

Creator, Subtraction
October 15, 2010

Black and white photo of a person smiling. They are wearing glasses and a checkered shirt with a sweater over it. The background is plain, and their short hair slightly covers their ear. The person is looking at the camera with a friendly expression.

Khoi Vinh is a user experience designer, writer and speaker. Until recently, he was the design director at, where he led the in-house design team in user experience innovation for digital products of all kinds. For over a decade, he published his thoughts on design, technology and culture at the widely-read blog He is the Interactions columnist for Print Magazine, and has lectured all over the world on design matters.

Previously, Khoi was the co-founder of the award-winning New York design studio Behavior, LLC. He studied communication design at Otis School of Art and Design in Los Angeles, and practiced branding and graphic design in print for several years in Washington, D.C., before moving to New York.

  • A group of people sit in a room with brick walls and large windows. A man stands holding a camera, pointing it towards the seated group. The room is decorated with plants, and a globe sits on a shelf in the background.
  • Three people are conversing in a casual setting with a brick wall in the background. A man and woman, both smiling, are facing a man with glasses who is also smiling. Other people are seated and conversing in the background. The setting appears to be a cozy cafe or meeting space.
  • A teacher or speaker sits on a stool in front of a group of people in a casual indoor setting. The audience is seated and attentively listening. The room has large windows allowing natural light to come in. Outside, a parked car and some greenery are visible.
  • A group of people seated and standing in a casual indoor setting with brick walls and large windows. Some are taking notes, while others are listening attentively. Potted plants and a shelf with items are visible. The atmosphere appears to be relaxed and engaging.
  • A group of four people are gathered around a table with a variety of foods. One person is serving food while the others engage in conversation. Behind them are workstations, bookshelves, and a colorful chart on the wall. The setting appears to be casual and friendly.
  • A table filled with various appetizers, including stuffed deviled eggs, toast with a spread, meat with toothpicks, and tomato-based bites. Cups and pitchers are visible in the background, suggesting a party or social gathering setting.
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