Lunch Talks

Kristen Lewis

Co-Director of Measure of America
May 20, 2016

Shine the spotlight on people's choices and opportunities.

Kristen Lewis is Co-Director of Measure of America and co-author of two volumes of The Measure of America (Columbia University Press, 2008 and NYU Press, 2010) as well as well-being reports for California, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Marin and Sonoma Counties. Measure of America’s most recent project, DATA2GO.NYC, brings together for the first time federal, state, and city data on a broad range of issues critical to the well-being of all New Yorkers. The website includes over 300 indicators for New York City’s 59 community districts—and 150 of these indicators are also available by census tract. Many of these indicators were previously unavailable to the public.

Before founding Measure of America with co-director Sarah Burd-Sharps in 2007, Kristen was senior policy advisor to the water and sanitation task force of the UN Millennium Project, led by Jeffery Sachs, and was co-author of the task force report, Health, Dignity and Development: What will it take? (Earthscan, 2005). She previously worked at the United Nations for many years, first with UNIFEM and then as in UNDP's policy bureau, and has served as a consultant on gender equality issues for numerous international development organizations, including UNICEF and UNFPA.

Kristen contributes regularly to media outlets, with articles published in the The Nation, Huffington Post, and Stanford Social Innovation Review, among others, research cited by The New York Times, Forbes, The Atlantic, Washington Post, NPR, Slate, Freakonomics blog, and frequent newspaper and radio interviews. She received a Masters degree in International Affairs from Columbia University.

  • A group of three people is engaged in conversation at a casual office gathering. One person is holding a plate with food while another is shaking hands. The room is filled with desks, computers, and shelves with various items, creating a relaxed workspace atmosphere.
  • A brightly lit office space with many people standing and talking. Some individuals are seated and working on computers. Various shelves filled with books and decor items are present, and there's a lofted area with a staircase in the corner. Light streams through large windows.
  • A modern office space with high ceilings and large windows. Several people are standing and talking in groups, while some are seated at desks with computers. Bookshelves are visible on the wall, and light streams in from the windows, creating a bright atmosphere.
  • Two people are sitting at a table, eating sandwiches. One person on the left wears a green headscarf and striped cardigan, the other on the right wears a black hat. A white plastic bottle is on the table. The background features kitchen cabinets, a countertop, and utensils.
  • An orange cup with the words "Lunch Talks" next to a bottle of Brooklyn Defender IPA on a wooden table. Several bottle caps and an opener are scattered around the bottle.
  • Three people are standing in a modern kitchen, engaged in conversation. One person is wearing a black outfit with a colorful bag, another is in a light shirt and gray hoodie, and the third is in a blue shirt with a backpack, holding a bottle.
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