Lunch Talks

Matt Owens

Founding Partner, Athletics
January 17, 2014

The way to do self-initiated projects is to treat them like client projects.

Matt Owens is a founding partner at Athletics, a multidisciplinary design and branding agency based in New York City with specializations ranging from branding, graphic design, web design and development, mobile, strategy, art direction, motion graphics and data visualization. Athletics clients include: Creative Time, Bonobos, Advertising Age, Major League Soccer, Google, Forbes, Random House and New York Review of Books.

Matt grew up in Texas, spending his formative years in Austin designing records and flyers for local bands and labels. After graduating from the University of Texas, he went on to earn his MFA in graphic design from Cranbrook Academy of Art.

Prior to founding Athletics in 2004, Matt served as the creative director at the pioneer Silicon Alley web firm MethodFive in New York. He also develops self- published personal projects under the moniker Volumeone. Matt has spoken internationally and his work has been recognized by the Art Directors Club, The American Center for Design, Print Magazine and the AIGA.

See this Lunch Talk featured on Co.Design

  • Four people are engaged in conversation in an office space. Three are standing near a bookshelf while one is at a table with food and cups. A man in a red sweater gestures as he speaks, while the others listen and hold drinks and plates of food.
  • A man in a red shirt stands in front of an audience, giving a presentation. Behind him is a projected image of a group of people posing for a photo. The room is well-lit with large hanging lights and shelves on the left side. A camera is set up recording the event.
  • A speaker in a red sweater and glasses stands in front of an audience, presenting a slideshow featuring various images of design and architecture projects. The audience is seated and attentively watching the presentation.
  • Illustration of a running wristwatch with legs and feet, generating a puff of smoke behind it, symbolizing speed or urgency. The background is a solid teal color.
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