Lunch Talks

Paula Scher

Partner, Pentagram
August 11, 2011

Paula Scher studied at the Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia and began her graphic design career as a record cover art director at both Atlantic and CBS Records in the 1970s. In 1984 she co-founded Koppel & Scher, and in 1991 she joined Pentagram as a partner.

Drawing from what Tom Wolfe has called the “big closet” of art and design history, classic and pop iconography, literature, music and film, Scher creates images that speak to contemporary audiences with emotional impact and appeal. Three decades into her career, these images have come to be visually identified with the cultural life of New York City.

  • A group of people interacting at an indoor social gathering. A man in a blue shirt with glasses is smiling and talking to others. Several individuals are engaged in conversation, and a few are facing away from the camera. Flowers are visible in the foreground.
  • Two women are sitting outside on red chairs, engaged in conversation. Both are holding white disposable plates, with one woman also holding a drink in a clear plastic cup. They are surrounded by greenery and a wooden fence, giving the setting a cozy, garden-like atmosphere.
  • A group of people sitting and standing in an office space, attentively facing towards a presentation or speaker off-frame. A man stands near a camera, and a woman smiles in the background. Various equipment and shelves are visible around the room.
  • A woman with blonde hair, wearing a black dress, is speaking to a small group of people. Behind her are framed posters with stylized images of former U.S. President Barack Obama. The setting appears to be indoors, possibly in a discussion or presentation setting.
  • A woman stands in front of a large screen displaying an image of a person in outdoor clothing. She smiles and looks to her left. Behind her, there are three framed posters featuring the same figure and text reading "WE MADE HISTORY.
  • A woman sits on a chair, facing an audience, next to a projection screen displaying the words "The Public Theater" in large, bold letters. Behind her, framed posters featuring stylized portraits and the word "HISTORY" adorn the wall.
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