
Barack Obama: The New Hope

Inspired by an exciting young presidential candidate, unlike many before him, we created a suite of posters to support the campaign, which were featured in an exhibition in Switzerland.

Abstract image in vibrant colors portraying a stylized human face. The face, composed of yellow and orange hues, is set against a teal background. The facial expression suggests a sense of wonder or contemplation.

The making of a political icon

Like millions of our fellow Americans, we were inspired by Barack Obama’s historic 2008 campaign. In response to his message, and in support of his candidacy, we created an original poster featuring a stylized portrait of the then-senator and the words “The New Hope” echoing the campaign’s central message. The design was simple and direct, in dramatic contrasting blues and oranges, and a style that evoked the idealism of an earlier era of American politics.

A person holds up a poster featuring a stylized image of Barack Obama in shades of orange and yellow against a teal background. The poster includes the words "THE NEW HOPE" and "Obama '08" at the bottom. The background consists of dark wooden planks.

A poster for the people

In order to share our enthusiasm, we made the poster available for download on our website for free. Unexpectedly, hundreds of strangers downloaded the image. Many made their own prints and contacted us with pictures. Flattered, we made a limited edition silkscreen series, which sold out in less than a week. We found our image on sites across the web; it was featured in the news magazine Courier International; prints were used at fundraisers and campaign events all through that heady summer of 2008. The piece was shown in at the Manifest Hope exhibit in Denver during the Democratic National Convention where Obama was nominated.

Three posters with quotes in vibrant colors: a purple poster with a quote about governance and truth, a yellow poster about government trust and welfare, and a cyan poster about church-state separation and translating religious values to public life.
Three posters with text quotes against black backgrounds. The first has red text reading "Americans...still believe in an America where anything's possible - they just don't think their leaders do." The second poster has orange text, and the third has yellow text.

Flux Laboratory exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland

The incredible buzz caught the attention of Cynthia Odier, founder of Flux Laboratory an experimental meeting, performance, and exhibit space in Geneva, Switzerland. She asked us to put together an entire exhibition about the elections for a solo show to open just before the big day in November.

A dimly-lit art gallery showcases various framed artworks on dark walls. "THE NEW HOPE" is illuminated on the floor. A large patterned piece is featured prominently on the far wall. The atmosphere is modern and minimalist.
A series of vibrant blue and yellow pamphlets titled "The New Hope" featuring stylized illustrations of a person's face. The pamphlets announce an international gallery exhibit by Brooklyn design studio Hyperakt, with additional information on the back.
An open magazine displays various pages with vibrant designs and graphics. The top section features text boxes with bold fonts. The middle section includes colorful portraits and abstract art. The bottom section shows bar graphs and illustrated portraits of people.

Additional artwork

We created more work on similar lines: a series of prints highlighting some of the electrifying rhetoric of Obama’s greatest speeches; an American flag composed of hybrid portraits of presidents and civil rights leaders; stark monochrome caricatures of the candidates and their running mates. These were shown at Flux’s elegant Dark Room gallery space in Carouge, where they drew throngs of Swiss and international admirers excited to partake in the political commentary around this historic election.

Close-up of multiple digital screens displaying various quotes in different colors. The closest screen shows the quote "Focusing your life solely on making a buck shows a certain poverty of ambition" in orange text on a black background. Other quotes are partially visible.
An illustration of the US flag composed of black-and-white faces. Blue faces form the flag's canton with 50 faces arranged in rows, and the 13 stripes are made up of alternating rows of red faces and white background. The entire flag has a gray border around it.
A display of numerous grayscale and red monochrome portraits of the same man's face in rows and columns on a white background. The faces show minor variations in expression and shading.
A colorful poster features a smiling woman with glasses against an orange background. The word "Lies" is prominently displayed in large text across the bottom. The poster includes a list titled "01," "02," and "03" with additional small text below each number.
The image features a wall adorned with numerous small, monochromatic visage prints. Adjacent, a large poster displays a stylized, orange-toned portrait of a woman with glasses and the word "Lies" in bold letters beneath her image.
Three posters displayed against a gray background, each featuring stylized bar graphs and different slogans: "Choose Reason Over Ideology" (blue), "Choose Responsibility Over Indifference" (green), and "Choose Empathy Over Greed" (orange). Each poster has textual content below the graphs.
A display wall with a projection screen featuring a message from Shaine H., age 12, expressing support for Barack Obama as President. Beside the screen, there are various posters with images and graphs. The setting appears to be an educational exhibit.

A unique moment in American history

The election of Barack Obama was a unique moment in American history. The American public hadn’t displayed such universal interest for the political direction of our country since the idealistic days of the 1960’s. We joined in the excitement of the nation as it happened. It was our great honor to have some of our work included in the inaugural celebrations in Washington, DC. We created a new series of silkscreen prints called “Victory,” featuring portraits of the new president and first lady. Back in New York City, which was fully in the grips of Obamamania, we launched a crowd-funding campaign called Billboard for the People and raised money to wheat paste over 1,000 prints of the original poster all over the city. Since then, the work has been featured in several design books and more blogs than we can say. The series of quote posters entitled “Rhetoric” are now part of the AIGA’s Design Archives.

A group of people stands in an art gallery, observing and discussing various artworks. The gallery walls display colorful, framed pieces, including a series of posters with the word "HISTORY" and stylized portraits. The room is brightly lit and modern.
Posters cover a storefront window. Most of them display a stylized image of a person with the text "WE MADE HISTORY" beneath it. Other posters promote health services. The storefront's awning advertises beer, sodas, and sandwiches.

In print

The posters were included in several books published after the elections that documented the artwork created for the Obama campaign by artists around the country.

A newspaper lies open on a wooden surface, displaying an article with a large, colorful illustration of a face and the words "THE NEW HOPE." Another folded newspaper, titled "LE TEMPS," is partially visible in the background.
A large white hardcover book stands upright with a minimalist design. The cover features a small emblem in the center, resembling a simplified logo. The spine of the book has text that appears to read "Designing Obama.
An open book featuring pages with quotes in large text. The left page has a quote in blue and green text on a dark background, while the right page contains multiple smaller quotes in various colors. The design uses contrasting colors for emphasis.
A book is open to a page displaying a stylized poster featuring two people looking upward. Above them, the word "VICTORY" is boldly written, and below it reads, "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE." The poster design uses shades of brown, green, and cream.
An open book lays flat displaying a pattern of small head icons arranged in a flag-like design. The left side of the "flag" has blue icons and the right side has brown icons, spread out across two pages. The background of the pages is light green.
Six posters featuring stylized portraits of a man and woman with the word "VICTORY" at the top and the phrase "ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE" underneath, in various color schemes including blue, green, and orange.

Project Credits

Year of Completion
Project Team
  • Deroy Peraza
  • Jason Lynch
  • Matthew Anderson
  • Michael Ciancio
  • Zeke Shore
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