
Path to 100K

100kin10 partnered with over 300 organizations to bring 100,000 new STEM teachers into the field in less than 10 years. This is the story of how they did it.

Illustration of a mountain range with a path leading to a flag on the peak. The central peak features a circular emblem that reads, "100K in 10, Answering the Nation's Call, 2011-2021, Path to 100K." The background is a bright yellow sky.


In his 2011 State of the Union Address, President Obama challenged the nation with preparing 100,000 new STEM teachers in a decade. 100Kin10 was born out of this challenge. They began with deep research – identifying the 100 barriers or “challenges” to recruiting teachers. While all of the 100+ challenges were important, the “catalyst challenges” were the most strategic and efficient areas for impacting the system.

Identified through more than 35,000 data points generated from over 750 STEM and education experts, the catalysts were the challenges that, if solved, would have outsized positive effects across the system. Hyperakt partnered with 100Kin10 in 2017 to unveil their Grand Challenges.

Working with over 300 network partner organizations around the country, 100Kin10 was able to focus their efforts around the catalyst challenges. After 10 years of work, 100Kin10 and its network of partners achieved the goal that is their namesake – a remarkable accomplishment that deserved to be memorialized before embarking on a new 10 year "moonshot" goal together.

Illustration of a black telescope with yellow accents mounted on a tripod. The telescope is angled upwards, and its lens reveals a colorful, starry pattern, suggesting it is observing the night sky. A gradient square in pink and blue is in the background.
When it came time to share what the 100Kin10 network accomplished together during our first decade, our #1 rule was that it could not look like a traditional report that sits on a shelf.
Grace Clawater Doramus
Chief Innovation Officer, 100Kin10

The challenge

Ultimately, 100kin10 wanted to tell the story of their “path” to achieving this milestone, but they needed help telling it. Beyond the accomplishment of meeting the goal they set for themselves, the last 10 years were packed with insights that might prove useful to their partners, as well as to other organizations aiming to tackle social challenges through a networked approach. Additionally, meeting this goal isn't the finish line. Much work remains to be done and this moment marks the beginning of their process to identify the big challenge they'll take on in the years to come. The team reached out to Hyperakt requesting our support to tell the story of their success and of what’s to come for the next 10 years.

We knew we needed a storytelling partner with both strong strategic muscles and fresh creative thinking. Hyperakt is just that.
Grace Clawater Doramus
Chief Innovation Officer, 100Kin10

The opportunity

The Hyperakt team worked with 100Kin10 to create a focused, powerful story that celebrates 100kin10’s successful path from 2011 to 2021. But this was an opportunity to go beyond taking a victory lap. 100Kin10 wanted to share their successful methodology and process, rich learnings, and original resources with others who might be interested in replicating it. They also wanted to grow the network of partners they are working with for future challenges.

Hyperakt created a compelling and beautiful visual journey that not only celebrates where we’ve been and where we’re headed next but also brings to life 100Kin10’s distinctive and experimental character.
Grace Clawater Doramus
Chief Innovation Officer, 100Kin10

Path to 100k

We used an animated scroll experience inspired by the “path” metaphor to create an engaging journey for readers learning about 100Kin10's journey and accomplishments over the last 10 years. Whimsical illustrations by Merit Myers and animations give the experience a magical feeling as the story travels from past, to present and finally to a future in pursuit of a new "moonshot" goal.

Smartphone displaying a webpage with a header "100Kin10 Path to 100K." The "About Us" section includes text explaining the initiative to address the nation's STEM teacher shortage. Above the text is an illustration of a telescope and planet against a starry sky.
Illustration of a stargazing scene with a telescope on a tripod pointed towards the night sky. Visible are stars, a large planet, a galaxy, and Saturn with its rings, set against a backdrop of rolling hills in shades of blue and purple.

Resource repository

We created a robust library of resources as a repository of all their resources to demonstrate how 100k achieved their goal. This part of the site delivered dozens of videos, program descriptions, partner commitments, key metrics, thoughts pieces, and articles explaining how teachers were impacted, and trend reports, among many other pieces.

Abstract geometric shape featuring a mix of pastel colors with wavy contour lines. The shape is irregular, with a patchwork of yellow, green, and purple sections. A blue, water-like form runs through the middle, resembling a topographical map.
A mobile screen displays the "Path to 100K" website from 100Kin10, focusing on "Research & Resources." The page features a colorful graphic and navigation buttons including "Video Library," "100Kin10 Programs," and more options for reports and forums.

Extending the brand

Path to 100K was unveiled to 100Kin10's network of partners at a conference that kicked off brainstorming for the organization's next big goal. Attendees of the event all received a swag box featuring the branding and design Hyperakt created for the website, helping to create a consistently branded experience for this landmark moment in the organization's history.

A collage of four images: a white enamel mug with a black rim featuring "Path to 100K" text and mountain design; a box with the text "The Path to 100K and Beyond" containing snacks, a sticker, and a notebook; a round, black and yellow embroidered patch; and a yellow lapel pin.
A black T-shirt featuring a design of a yellow-rimmed telescope with sparkling dots around it. The text above the telescope reads "LOOK INTO," and below it says "ANSWERING THE MATRON'S CALL.
Three Field Notes booklets are stacked on a gray surface. The top one is yellow with the text “100K in 10: Answering the Nation’s Call” and “Path to 100K”. The middle one is white with a blue spine, and the bottom one is gray with a red spine.
A collage of four triangular banners, each reading "Path to 100K" and "Answering the Nation's Call" with various years from 2019 to 2023. Each banner is yellow and brown, featuring stylized text and graphics with different background colors: yellow and dark brown.

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