
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Annual Message

Ushering in a new era of healthcare philanthropy driven by Evidence, Equity, and Voice.

Three smartphones display a website against a purple background. The screens show titles: "Putting Our Principles to Work," "Voices + Action = Change," and "Equity is About Opportunity." Each screen features a different background color and image, with text overlays.

The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) is the largest healthcare philanthropy organization in the country. We teamed up with RWJF to revamp their annual report for the digital landscape. The experience is based on the three principles that guide the organization's strategy as they mark the start of a new era under Dr. Richard Besser: Evidence, Equity, and Voice.

A laptop and a desktop monitor display a professional website. The laptop screen shows a nature-themed section with resources, while the desktop monitor shows a page with a man in a suit and text stating "Putting Our Principles to Work" alongside a brief description.
Two smartphones rest on a wooden surface. The left phone displays a blog post titled "Richmond, Virginia" with an image of a city skyline, and the right phone displays a map titled "Meet the Leaders for Better Health" in orange and white.
Cover of the "2018 Annual Message" titled "Putting Our Principles to Work" by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. It features an adult and a child engaged in an activity at a table, with the adult helping the child concentrate on a task.
A magazine spread features text on a bright orange page reading "Voice + Action = Change". The adjacent page shows a man wearing glasses and a white coat, with an article about him and a U.S. map highlighting various locations in red.
An open magazine on a teal background. The left page has text titled "Looking Ahead" with photos of people participating in outdoor activities. The right page features children in blue shirts, smiling and running on a sports field.
A magazine spread features an article titled "Brain Science Meets Big Bird." On the left page, a child holds a green paper with a yellow star and a cutout. Above, stats indicate, "1 in 5 kids" and "more than 1M," showing educational impact. The right page contains text.

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