Lunch Talks

James J. Williams III

Executive Strategy Manager of Nanotronics
June 26, 2015

We build imagery solutions.

As the Executive Strategy Manager of Nanotronics, James J. Williams III works closely with CEO Matthew Putman on big sky ideas, policy, brand strategy, and long-term vision for the new industrial city. He also serves as the Nanotronics liaison for the Science Department at Pioneer Works. Prior to Nanotronics James spent 15 years as an artist and gallerist, an educator at the School of Visual Arts, and director of Thorstein Foundation, a production and creative direction firm focusing on cross-industry collaborative projects. James is a Brooklyn native and a principal in Macie Gransion, a Lower East Side members-only arts club opening this summer.

  • A group of people are gathered in a modern kitchen and dining area, socializing and eating. Some are standing by the kitchen counter, while others are around the large wooden table with plates of food. The space has an open loft with a railing above.
  • A group of people seated in a room attentively watch a presentation. The presenter stands at the front near a large projected screen that displays text titled "Who We Are" and an image of a hoodie. A few desks with laptops and other materials are in the foreground.
  • A speaker stands in front of a group of seated attendees in a well-lit room, presenting a slideshow projected on a screen. The slide features a large red circle with text and various smaller black-and-white circles with faces inside them.
  • A speaker in a gray suit is presenting to an audience in a bright room. The slide on the screen reads, "To build the future, you need to see it. Nanotronics." The audience is seated and attentively watching the presentation.
  • A stack of red cups with the words "Lunch Talks" printed on them in white. The image shows three stacks of cups on a table. Blurry figures of people are seen in the background. The setting appears to be a casual indoor environment.
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