Lunch Talks

Jonnie Hallman

Freelance designer/developer and Cushion creator
Friday, June 24th 2016

I wanted to make an app that would show me that I have enough runway so that I can coast for a little bit. Just to remind myself I'm okay, so that I don't have to take on more work.

Jonnie Hallman is a freelance web designer/dev based in Brooklyn, NY. He earns a living building fancy scrolly websites for clients including Casper, Dropbox, Etsy, and FiftyThree. Jonnie also runs Cushion, a forecasting web app for freelancers. In his spare time, Jonnie enjoys writing about his process, drinking coffee, and going on sock sprees.

  • A diverse group of people sits in rows of chairs, attentively facing the front in a well-lit room with large windows. Some individuals are eating and drinking, while others appear to be listening intently. The atmosphere seems informal and relaxed.
  • A group of people sits in rows of colorful chairs, attending an indoor event. Some people are eating or holding plates, while others are engaged in conversation. The room is well-lit with natural light from large windows, and a few plants and equipment are in the background.
  • A group of people gathered in an office space, engaged in conversations. Some are standing near a table with food and drinks. Chairs and office equipment are visible, with large windows letting in natural light in the background. The atmosphere appears casual and social.
  • A busy office space with high ceilings and a mezzanine level. Multiple people are gathered around, some engaged in conversations, while others work at desks with computers. The room has a modern design with a mix of natural light and industrial elements.
  • A small group of people sits in a room facing a large screen. A bearded man in a white shirt and black shorts stands to the left of the screen, speaking. The screen reads, "Intimate lectures featuring the world's top creative talents.
  • A group of people socializing in a modern kitchen area with a mezzanine level above. Some are standing and chatting, while others are seated at a long table with assorted food and drinks. The space has a mix of natural light and overhead lighting.
  • A group of people, sitting on foldable chairs, are eating and drinking while attending an event in a well-lit room with large windows. Two computer monitors and a coffee cup are visible in the foreground. Orange and blue chairs are scattered throughout the space.
  • Four men are engaged in conversation in a casual indoor setting. One man in a red shirt holds a plate, while another in a gray shirt holds a drink. In the background, there are shelves with books and plants, a camera on a tripod, and a visible exit sign.
  • A group of people seated in rows facing a large screen displaying a presentation in a spacious room. Some individuals are standing and talking near the front. The audience appears to be attentively watching or listening.
  • A group of people socializing in a kitchen, holding plates of food and engaged in conversation. The kitchen has white cabinets and a colorful sign on the wall that reads, "I wish the English language had more interesting characters.
  • A group of people are seated in a classroom facing a screen displaying a presentation titled "Intimate lectures featuring the world's top creative talents." One person stands near the front, adjusting equipment. The room has a casual, industrial feel with various supplies and equipment in the background.
  • A person stands at the front of a room giving a presentation titled "Switching Rollercoasters" with a rollercoaster graphic on the screen behind them. Several people are seated, facing the presenter. The room has a bright ambiance with a projector screen and scattered items.
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