Lunch Talks

Todd Truesdale

Founder, Recycled Paper Printing
September 17, 2010

Black and white image of a middle-aged man with curly hair, glasses, and a slight smile. He is wearing a dark suit jacket over a light-colored shirt. The background is plain and neutral.

Todd Truesdale is a Harvard University graduate, biologist, activist, and environmentalist. He founded and ran a rainforest research camp on the west coast of Borneo, Indonesia in the 1980’s. Alarmed by rampant deforestation in the rest of Indonesia, Todd returned to Boston to start a business focused on protecting the environment. In 1983, he founded Recycled Paper Printing to create a movement that would transform the paper and printing industry.

Todd advises multiple non-profits on marketing and strategy and environmental stewardship, most recently the Massachusetts Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children, Massachusetts Institute for a New CommonWealth (a non-partisan think tank) and the Boston Children’s Museum where he is on the Board of Overseers.

  • Four people are standing around a table with various books and magazines on it. They are browsing through the materials. The background features posters on the wall. One of the people wears a name tag with "Tim" written on it.
  • A group of people are sitting indoors, attentively looking at something out of frame. The setting appears to be a casual, modern space with large windows. Some are holding papers or notebooks, while one person is drinking a beverage from a bottle.
  • A group of people sit in colorful chairs, attentively listening to a person speaking at the front of a room. The speaker, seated on a stool, gestures with their hand while holding a paper. The room has a modern interior with posters on the wall and a plant in the corner.
  • A group of people sit in a room, attentively listening to a man speaking at the front. The room is decorated with colorful wall posters and plants. Some attendees have food and drinks in their hands. The atmosphere appears casual and engaging.
  • A group of people is sitting in a modern room with large windows and a brick wall. They are facing a speaker, listening attentively. There is a large plant in the background and various chairs and bookshelves in the space. Natural light fills the room.
  • A table on a wooden deck is set up with various party foods, including quiches, skewers, a veggie platter, dips, cheese and crackers, and plates of grapes. Beverages including soda bottles and pitchers of juice are placed at the back along with cups and napkins.
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