Lunch Talks

Steven Heller

MFA Designer as Author Department & Special Consultant to the President of SVA
March 9, 2012

A black and white image shows a man with glasses, a short beard, and a bald head. He is wearing a striped blazer and a dark shirt. The person looks to the side with a calm and contemplative expression. The background is blurred, focusing attention on the individual.

Steven Heller wears many hats (in addition to the New York Yankees): For 33 years he was an art director at the New York Times, originally on the OpEd Page and for almost 30 of those years with the New York Times Book Review. Currently, he is co-chair of the MFA Designer as Author Department, Special Consultant to the President of SVA for New Programs, and writes the Visuals column for the New York Times Book Review.

  • Two people are engaged in conversation in an office setting. The woman on the left is wearing a black sleeveless top, and the man on the right is wearing glasses, a grey blazer, and a striped shirt. The room has exposed brick walls and shelves with various items.
  • A person is standing next to a wall with a magazine cover projected onto it. The projection features colorful artwork and text that reads "It's Alright, Ma (I'm Only Reading)." The person is dressed in a dark jacket and has a serious expression.
  • A man stands pointing towards a wall where an old magazine cover is projected. The magazine, titled "eye," features a woman with long hair holding a finger to her lips. The man holds a microphone and appears to be giving a presentation.
  • A man with glasses and a partially bald head is signing something for a woman. He is wearing a striped shirt and a blazer. The woman, with long brown hair, faces him. In the background, a younger man in a blue hoodie is looking down, using his phone.
  • A group of people are seated and listening attentively in a casual office setting. Shelving on a brick wall behind them holds books, decorations, and electronics. String lights are hung across the room, adding a warm ambiance to the scene.
  • A man with glasses, a beard, and a bald head is speaking. He is dressed in a striped shirt under a gray blazer and is holding an open black eyeglass case. His right hand is gesturing while he speaks against a neutral background.
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