
NAACP Annual Report

A century on the frontlines of civil rights.

A stack of pamphlets with bold yellow text on black backgrounds. The text reads "POWER. JUSTICE. FREEDOM. VOTE." and "NAACP 2020 ANNUAL REPORT." The pamphlets overlap each other, partially obscuring some of the text.

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) is America’s oldest and most influential civil rights advocacy organization. For over a century they have worked to ensure equality and eliminate racial hatred and discrimination through community outreach programs and advocacy campaigns.

A hand holding a booklet with a yellow and gray cover. The cover features bold yellow text that reads "POWER JUSTICE FREEDOM VOTE." The top left corner shows an emblem, and the bottom right corner notes "NAACP 2014 Annual Report." The background is dark gray.

The inspiring campaign and historic election of President Barack Obama was an unprecedented achievement for the cause of equality. To reflect the year’s progress, the theme of the NAACP’s 2008 annual report was the act of voting.

A person is flipping through a magazine with a yellow cover featuring the text "POWER FROM FAME." Visible on the page being flipped is a grayscale photo collage of people dressed formally at an event. The magazine has a sleek, modern design.
Close-up of a blue contents page in a magazine or book. The page features a list of sections with corresponding page numbers in bold yellow text. Some visible sections include "A Sneak Preview," "A Vibrant Society," "Quality Education," and "Our Donors.

We designed an annual report for the organization that highlighted the potential of voting as both the ultimate expression and most fundamental engine of power, justice, and freedom. The report outlines the organization’s achievements in the areas of voting and representation, community health and education, criminal justice, economic equality, and legal advocacy.

An open book with a black and yellow page. The yellow page features text about the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, highlighting its commitment to racial justice, and equality. The organization's logo is at the top of the yellow page.
A person is holding open a magazine or booklet. The left page contains blocks of text highlighted in yellow. The right page features an image of a young person in a white patriotic shirt, singing or shouting passionately, surrounded by more text.
An open magazine shows a two-page spread. The left page, with a bright yellow top section, has black text stating "a year of progress" and an article below. The right page displays a photo of several people, including a man waving, against a dark background with American flags.
Two hands holding an open book displaying pages with text and multiple photographs. The right page shows images of people at events, some on stage and others in formal attire on a red carpet. The left page contains text in paragraphs, headings, and images.
A person holds open a magazine featuring a section titled "Special Events." The pages display an article with multiple paragraphs and several small photographs related to the text. One photo shows a person speaking at a podium, while the others depict various event scenes.
A person is holding open a magazine displaying a section titled "quality education". The left page shows black-and-white photos of people holding awards. The right page has text details under the title with a blue background.
A person holds open a financial statement booklet featuring pie charts, bar graphs, and tables. The page has a dark background with white text, yellow accents, and blue highlights. The visuals depict various financial metrics and percentages.
A hand flips through a magazine or booklet with pages containing text and colorful graphics, including a pie chart. The visible sections have a modern design with yellow and dark gray colors, focusing on "special programs" and "events." The background is black.
Two hands hold a glossy brochure with a gray and yellow cover. The cover features faint images of people and a circular seal at the bottom with text. The background is black, allowing the brochure to stand out clearly.

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Year of Completion
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