Lunch Talks

James Patten

Founder and Principal of Patten Studio
October 23, 2015

Take advantage of some other things you can do when you bring the interactions off of screens & into the physical world.

James Patten is an interaction designer, inventor and visual artist working at the intersection of the physical and digital worlds. Patten is a TED Fellow and the founder and principal of the design firm Patten Studio, where he creates ground breaking interactive experiences for global brands. Patten earned his doctorate at the MIT Media Lab where he studied in the Tangible Media Group under Hiroshi Ishii. His work has been exhibited or performed in venues such as the Museum of Modern Art, the Transmediale festival in Berlin, the Museo Guggenheim Bilbao and the Ars Electronica Center in Linz, Austria. Patten's work has been recognized in several international design competitions including the International Design Magazine's Annual Design Review, and the International Design Excellence Awards.

  • A group of people gather in a kitchen, enjoying sandwiches and drinks. One person in a hat is reaching for food on a wooden table, while others stand and chat. There are drinks and food items on the counter in the background.
  • A group of people are gathered around a wooden table in a modern indoor space. On the table, there are bottles of beer, a stack of napkins, and a long serving board with bread and pastries. Several individuals are holding plates of food, engaging in casual conversation.
  • A man wearing a blue shirt is giving a presentation to a seated audience. He is pointing to a large projection of an electronic circuit board on a screen behind him. The room is dimly lit, with various equipment and chairs visible.
  • A man gives a presentation to a seated audience in a room with white walls. The projector screen behind him displays an image of a complex arrangement of wires and hardware components. A colorful poster is mounted on the wall to the right of the screen.
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