
UNHCR Innovation

Catalyzing creative solutions to refugee problems, within UNHCR, throughout the private sector, and in the field.

The United Nation’s refugee agency (UNHCR) works in more than 125 countries with 33.9 million refugees, asylum seekers, and stateless people. The agency works at a massive scale tackling humanitarian emergencies around the world. UNHCR Innovation is a catalyst, driving out-of-the-box thinking inside UNHCR. Working collaboratively with refugees, academia, and the private sector, UNHCR Innovation constantly seeks creative solutions to the challenges faced by uprooted or stateless people worldwide.

UNHCR Innovation, embedded within UNHCR’s Geneva headquarters, makes it its mission to rethink the way the organization operates. The Innovation team identifies creative solutions to refugee problems, within UNHCR and throughout the private sector, and helps implement these new methods in the field. They have recently collaborated with IKEA to create flat-packed houses, with UPS to create tracking systems for relief supplies, and with numerous other external partners.

The UNHCR Innovation team engaged Hyperakt to design a new brand identity. We were asked to convey UNHCR Innovation’s role as the convener of global partnerships that advance human-centered design. Working hand in hand with the UNHCR Innovation team we developed a content strategy, and visual design for their new website, highlighting the group’s process and impact. After conducting interviews with staff around the world and consolidating existing communication materials, we devised a clear information architecture to help external partners and internal staff better understand the importance of UNHCR Innovation’s work.

A blue line drawing shows a laurel wreath, a globe, and connected points, followed by an equal sign and a pattern of interconnected shapes. The illustration suggests a symbolic equation indicating a result derived from combining these elements.
A group of smiling children play in a body of water in a rural area. Simple buildings are in the background, and the image features a superimposed geometric pattern. The photo is tinted blue.
A series of three abstract designs made of blue leaf-like shapes on a white background. Each design shows different configurations with increasing density. Below the designs are the words: "EXPLORE," "CONNECT," and "AMPLIFY" respectively.
Light blue leaves scattered on an all-white background, with some leaves appearing to be in mid-air, creating a sense of movement and delicacy.
A series of four pages from a brand guidelines booklet for UNHCR innovation. The pages feature the UNHCR innovation logo, color schemes, and text layout samples against a white background. The booklet is open with pages displayed side by side, emphasizing design elements.
A group of devices including a desktop computer, laptop, tablet, and smartphone displaying a website related to refugee support, featuring images of refugees, news articles, and information about educational initiatives. The background is a solid blue color.
A multi-page brand style guide is open on a white surface. The pages display brand logos, color schemes, and patterns. There are images of a person holding a branded bag, various logo applications, and color-coded hexagon charts detailing brand guidelines.
A hexagonal grid with labeled icons and photos. "Home Lab" icon is a house, "Energy Lab" icon is a lightning bolt, "Link Lab" icon is a Wi-Fi symbol, and "Learn Lab" icon features a bar chart. Photos of diverse people engaged in various activities accompany the icons.
A collection of branded items includes a blue tote bag, two pens, a notebook, a T-shirt, business cards, and a tablet displaying a website. Each item features a white geometric pattern and logo with "UNHCR" text on the bottom. The background is plain white.

Project Credits

Project Team
  • Deroy Peraza
  • Radhika Unnikrishnan
  • Eric Fensterheim
  • Ambika Roos
  • Misa Rodriguez
  • Ted Cava
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