
GOOD Vitamin Atlas

An interactive guide to nutrition and the human body.

A vibrant banner titled "The Good Wellness Project" with playful icons of fruits, leaves, gym equipment, and health symbols in the background. The word "Good" is adorned with multicolored slices of fruit and objects highlighting wellness themes.

You know vitamins are good for you, but do you know why? Vitamins are essential for many of your body’s functions, from digesting your food to making your babies. Most people in America get all the vitamins they need from eating a balanced diet, but some people need vitamin supplements, especially in parts of the world where hunger is rampant.

In their words, GOOD Magazine is a place to share creative solutions for living well and doing good. The GOOD Wellness Project is an online encyclopedia of health and nutrition, collecting know-how and how-to in collaboration with Walgreens and the global NGO Vitamin Angels.

Illustration of a human anatomy with organs and bodily systems displayed, surrounded by colorful cell illustrations. The image features a cross-section view showing muscles, brain, heart, veins, and internal organs. Surrounding cells are depicted in green, purple, and blue.

Hyperakt worked with GOOD to create an interactive Vitamin Atlas, the centerpiece of the Wellness Project. Our work began with medical research about key vitamins, the foods that provide them and their effects on body systems and functions. We created layered illustrations of the human body and dozens of original GIF animations, all accompanied with informative text, to explain how vitamins work. GOOD’s readers can discover historical curiosities about the different vitamins along the way as they explore the site, making the Vitamin Atlas an entertaining and fun learning experience.

Three overlapping web pages displayed on a yellow background showcase informational content about vitamins, specifically Vitamin B9: Folate. The pages include text, diagrams, and illustrations of cellular functions and anatomical effects related to Folate.
Illustration of human lungs on a blue background. The lungs are depicted in light blue with dark blue branching bronchial tubes, all enclosed within a circular blue gradient.
Illustration of a kidney with surrounding blood vessels in shades of purple. The image displays the kidney's internal structure and its connections to the vascular system inside a circular frame.
Illustration of a human liver in shades of green, displaying internal structures like bile ducts and blood vessels in yellow and dark green, set against a circular light green background.
Illustrated image of a human heart in shades of blue, showcasing the organ's major structures against a circular background. The image emphasizes the heart's anatomy with branching blood vessels and prominent features in a simplified, stylized manner.
A computer monitor and a tablet displaying educational material about vitamin C. The tablet shows detailed text and illustrations about vitamin C sources and its benefits for the body, while the computer monitor displays a skeletal diagram and related content.
A grid of thirty-six colorful circles, each featuring an artful, stylized depiction of various cells, biological structures, and molecules. The circles vary in color, including shades of blue, green, red, and purple, with different intricate patterns and designs.
A set of electronic devices displaying educational content on vitamins. The image features a smartphone, tablet, desktop computer, and laptop with illustrations and text on anatomy, vitamin B1, and more, all against a teal background.

After we launched the interactive Vitamin Atlas, we visualized, researched, and developed a Vitamin Calculator to supplement the GOOD Wellness Project. The Calculator is an interactive tool for viewers to determine their vitamin intake based on the foods they have input into the calculator. It serves as a fun and informative tool to help shed light on the correlations between common foods and vitamins.

A digital interface displays three sections: Fruits, Meats & Proteins, and Beverages, each with a distinct background color (green, pink, and yellow respectively). The sections list various food and drink items with icons, checkboxes, and navigation buttons.
A grid of colorful icons representing various foods. From left to right, top to bottom: Fish, Spinach, Cheese, Avocados, Kale, Asparagus, Red Meats, Mushrooms, Whole Grains, Pork, Potatoes, Butter, Bell Peppers, Tomatoes, Non-Citrus Fruits, and Chicken.
Two tablets displaying a nutrition tracking app, each showing colorful bar graphs and icons representing different vitamins consumed throughout the day. The app, branded with the Walgreens logo, includes a title at the top of the screen and detailed data visualizations.
An abstract illustration featuring a stylized digestive system. Bright colors include green, blue, purple, and yellow elements representing body parts. Red and purple veins run through, with white cell-like shapes labeled "A", set against a green and blue background.
A series of minimalistic line drawings representing various foods. From left to right: steak, orange slice, carrot, watermelon slice, chicken, grape bunch, garlic, shrimp, pig, watermelon slice, wheat, bowl of cereal, two leafy greens, and potato.
A smartphone displaying a Vitamin Calculator app with a teal and white interface on the screen. The banner at the top reads "Vitamin Calculator" with icons for various vegetables and their nutritional values below. The phone is on a pink background.
An iPad displaying a "Vitamin Calculator" webpage on a green background. The screen shows colorful graphics with fruits and vegetables in the background, and options to start the calculator. The page contains a logo of "GOOD" at the bottom.
Line art icons of various foods. Top row: milk, tomato, chicken leg, broccoli, asparagus, mushroom, bell pepper, coffee beans. Bottom row: beans, cauliflower, cheese, avocado, citrus fruits, butter, peanuts. Top row icons are teal, and bottom row icons are mustard yellow.
Image of a laptop screen displaying a colorful webpage with the title "Vitamin Calculator". The screen shows various abstract illustrations of fruits and vegetables. There is a button labeled "START EXPLORING" below the title. The background is mostly teal blue.

Project Credits

Project Team
  • Deroy Peraza
  • Jason Lynch
  • Radhika Unnikrishnan
  • Ambika Roos
  • Misa Rodriguez
  • Nick Beattie
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